Focus on Cedar Class, Sporting Events, Willow Class go Steam Punk and much more…….
Welcome to the Christmas edition of In-focus.
Welcome to the third issue of In-Focus of 2019 2020. As we start Term 2, we have already had a busy time in school with lots of exciting events coming up.
Welcome to the second issue of In Focus of 2019 2020. We already have so many events and news to share with you as we have had a very busy Term 1!
Welcome to the first In Focus of 2019 2020. It has been a real pleasure to welcome all our children back to school, looking so smart and eager to begin their learning.
This last In-Focus of the year reflects on yet another jam-packed and fun-filled year. We are always amazed at just how much we manage to fit in.
Our special May Dance issue
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A dance show special edition.
Welcome to another jam-packed edition of In Focus. The children have been super busy with yet another full term.
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It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school in the year 2019! I have enjoyed hearing all about the children’s Christmas break news and the lovely time they have had with their families and friends.
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Welcome to this special Christmas edition of In Focus.
As we lead up to the Christmas break we have already had many very special events here at Catmose Primary to get ourselves, our families and friends into the Christmas spirit.
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After such a lovely and hardworking first half term, it has been great to see the children come back to school after their October break ready to learn and with lots of lovely family time stories.
We have had many exciting trips and visits, including each class visiting their handmade poppies at the Remembrance Display at Oakham Castle.
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The first term of the year has got off to a great start with an interesting Super Learning day with ‘Crow Reading’, a percussion show and lots of sporting events.
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Welcome back to school for the new academic year 2018/2019.
This new year will be another busy year with lots of exciting events – please do look at the diary dates in this newsletter.
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We have so much to celebrate after an exciting and activity-packed year here at Catmose Primary. I have asked each class to create a ‘year review’ for this newsletter so we can celebrate all the wonderful things the children have been a part of.
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Welcome to our 2018 May Dance Special InFocus edition.
We had a superb afternoon of dancing to end Term 5 with each class recreating the style and flair of a well-known dancing legend.
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It has been lovely to welcome back our pupils to the first of the summer terms. Lots of exciting events have already taken place in school for example the Hilltop Residential, and we have one of my favourite school events to look forward to, the May Dance.
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Welcome to the special Catmose Dance Spectacular edition of In Focus.
On Tuesday 20 March, an amazing 64 pupils joined Mr Noronha and Mrs Jackson in preparing and performing an exciting evening of dance.
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Welcome back to the start of a new term.The children have made a super start to the term and have already enjoyed many exciting events.