Rutland and District Schools’ Federation ensures that students with SEN are supported in a wide variety of ways at all settings including:
- The ethos of settings across the Federation is inclusive;
- Opportunity for support / provision to go on trips;
- A wide range of intervention strategies are applied through both pastoral and progress monitoring;
- A robust tutor, class or room teacher system to ensure all students have access to someone they know well and whose parents can access with ease;
- Termly monitoring of the progress made by students on the SEN register by relevant staff;
- Implementation of study support for students who would benefit from targeted intervention with a slightly reduced timetable;
- Students with EHCP have key workers responsible for all aspects of their provision;
- Careful deployment of staff to maximise progress.
To support children with SEND, at the Primary, the following additional support may be put in place.
- School support plans;
- Small teaching groups additional adults deployed sensitively;
- 1:1 teaching for short periods when appropriate;
- Specific programmes, including:
- Recognised Speech and Language development programmes. Blanks Questioning, Language for thinking;
- Handwriting support;
- Numeracy support;
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing support;
- Social Skills Strategies.
- Learning mentor, who is Mental Health First Aid trained
- Sensory regulation and postural support groups
Adaptations that can be made to the physical environment are detailed in the accessibility plan which fits within the Federation Health and Safety Policy.
Students with a EHCP should apply to the Primary via their home local authority. Students with Special Educational Needs but without a Statement of SEN should apply in the normal way. The application policy can be read here.
To download the Individual Setting form from the Council please click here. For more information on SEN provision from the Rutland County Council click here. Information on what is offered locally click here.
The Accessibility Plan fits within the Federation Health and Safety Policy which can be found here.
For information about the SEN provision within Catmose Primary, please contact Rebecca Hall (SENCO) on