Covid Update September 2021.
Following the lifting of all restrictions in England from Monday 16 August, the planned approach in school has changed. From the beginning of term, the school will ease the Covid restrictions we have had in place.
In summary:
- Pupils who have had contact with anyone testing positive for Covid-19 will not need to isolate (as they are under 18). Previously the school identified close contacts of any pupil who had tested positive, this has now been replaced by NHS Test and Trace who will inform the child if they have been in close contact with a positive case. It is recommended that a PCR test is done. If your child tests positive, they will need to isolate at home for 10 days; we will ensure school work is set and shared during this time. Further information published by the Department for Education can be found here.
- Face coverings will not need to be worn in any part of the building, although staff and pupils are welcome to do so.
- Parents and carers will not need to stand in designated playground areas at drop off and collection.
- We will continue to minimise the number of different groups that pupils mix in each day, but remove bubbles for playtimes (outside playtimes) to allow classes to play together. Classes will be taught in year groups as usual.
- Whole school assemblies will return. Parents will be notified when they can attend the Stars assembly on Friday mornings.
- We will revert to on-site meetings for parents whenever possible, but for parent evenings we will also offer virtual meetings when on-site attendance is not possible. Parents should make an appointment with a member of staff before attending the site as we are not able to accommodate ad hoc meetings.
- We will be returning to the normal school start time of 8.50am with a 3.45pm finish for KS1 (Ash, Beech and Cedar classes) and a 3.50pm finish for KS2 (Oak, Redwood, Silver Birch and Willow classes).
- Breakfast Club will start from 7.50am and After-School Club will end at 5.30pm.
- We will continue to ensure all children wash hands regularly, with the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. We will also ensure all school areas are well ventilated and clean.
Pupils need time to recover from the effects of the pandemic and alongside academic intervention, where it is needed, they also need to have access to a broader set of opportunities outside the classroom. Extracurricular opportunities will be offered to all pupils, for example music and sport.
These plans may need to change depending on the course of the pandemic over the autumn and winter months. If the school has a significant number of cases, it is likely that additional measures will be introduced again, this may include bubbles and the wearing of a face covering.
Please watch the following video which gives further information about our approach.
Please refer to the Catmose Primary Risk Assessment which can be found by clicking here.
To download our statement regarding COVID catch up funding for 2020/21 please click here
Our approach to Covid-19 will be adapated as necessary in line with government guidance.
You may further read our Covid-19 Operational Guidance Risk Assessment and Covid-19 Outbreak Management Plan here.