All members of staff see themselves as being responsible for the pastoral care of the children in our school. We also work closely with the School Nurse, Physiotherapists, Occupational Health Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists and other health care agencies to provide the best care for each child.

We are very lucky to have Mental Health First Aid trained staff who work closely to provide the right emotional health and well being support for each child. We have a Learning Mentor, who is an experienced member of staff, who can provide 1.1 sessions for key children.

If you have any concerns you are encouraged to discuss these with your child’s class teacher, the School Nurse, or directly with the Head of School.


We encourage the children to exercise self-discipline and consideration for others. We encourage and celebrate good manners and politeness shown by our children both within the school and during visits away from school. We pride ourselves on our whole school approach to positive discipline.

Although rare, any reported incident of bullying in the school is taken very seriously and is dealt with in accordance with our behaviour management policy. Copies are available from the school Office or via our policies page.

Good behaviour is rewarded in an age appropriate way through:

  • Stickers
  • Star Tickets for good citizenship
  • Privilege Points
  • Privilege Time
  • A ‘Star of the Week’ as celebrated in our weekly ‘Stars Assembly’.
  • An invitation to the ‘Top Table’ on a Friday lunchtime.

If a child does not comply with school rules they are given a warning. If the poor behaviour continues the class teacher and/or the Head of School will contact parents as appropriate. In very rare and serious cases formal exclusion procedures may be invoked.

The school has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy on bad language. Parents are always informed, either verbally or in writing if a child has been using inappropriate language in school.


If a child is deemed to be well but has not completed a course of antibiotics then parents or carers are welcome to come to the school to administer the dose.

Staff can not, under their terms and conditions, be required to administer medicines. Those who volunteer to do so may only do this with written permission from the parent or carer. Any medication must be in the original box or bottle with the dosage indicated by the pharmacy. Administration of any medicines is always witnessed and recorded. Should you need to ask if a member of staff is willing to take on this responsibility please contact the school office.

Should a child have a long-term medical need, staff training will take place as appropriate.

We must emphasise the importance of informing us of changes to contact numbers, in case your child is ill during the day and needs to be at home.


During their time at Catmose Primary, each child has the opportunity to take up regular health and dental checks which are carried out by the School Doctor, Dentist, School Nurse or other appropriate medical professionals. Parents are always informed of these screenings and, where appropriate, given the opportunity to attend.

We need to know if children have long term health problems such as asthma, nut or other allergies, epilepsy, diabetes, etc. If your child has asthma you will be required to fill in an asthma card at the beginning of each academic year. Please ensure that inhalers are clearly labelled with the child’s name and that they are regularly checked. If your child should develop, or be suspected of developing, such a problem please contact us as soon as possible so that we can be aware of their needs. If your child is taken ill at school you will be contacted.