Return to School 8th March
You will have heard the announcement on Monday, made by Boris Johnson, that all primary school children will be returning to full-time school on Monday 8 March. We cannot wait to welcome back our Catmose Primary family.
Attendance from this date is compulsory and all children are expected to return to school. If your child is feeling anxious about a return to school, please do contact your class teacher via Class Dojo who will be happy to help with a message or a Microsoft Teams session. I am sure our children are very much looking forward to seeing their friends and being in school again.
In order to keep our community safe we will:
- Ask you to follow our Covid social distancing guidelines, wear a face covering when on school grounds and stand in your child’s class bubble space on the playground.
- The children will continue to wash their hands regularly, follow the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it guidance’ and keep to class bubbles to keep safe.
- Classrooms will be well-ventilated with consideration to temperatures to keep pupils and staff comfortable. Social distancing will be encouraged where possible in these class bubbles.
- Primary staff testing will also continue to enable us to identify and respond to any possible outbreaks quickly. Primary staff will also continue to wear face coverings when in school.
Until March 8, home learning will continue to be shared by class teachers and pupils will be expected to complete these tasks so that they are in line with their peers when they return to school.
I hope you are continuing to keep well and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Yours faithfully,
Kelly Jackson
Head of School