PHSE & Citizenship education is an important part of our curriculum and embedded in the life of the school. The Science and Personal, Health and Social education, (PHSE) programmes support this. We use the SEAL materials (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) to support the whole school approach to the PHSE themes.

All children have access to filtered, cold, drinking water throughout the day. We have also incorporated healthy eating, healthy bodies, and healthy lunchbox sessions into our curriculum. Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 receive one piece of free fruit each day under the Governments’ Free Fruit for Schools scheme.

Sex and Relationships Education

The Governors have agreed that Sex & Relationships education shall be treated naturally from a young age and our aim is to answer questions when they arise. Our Sex & Relationships curriculum begins, in an age appropriate way, from Reception onwards. It is a statutory requirement that our Sex & Relationships Policy is reviewed annually by both staff and governors. We treat this subject as a joint school/parent responsibility. Parents meetings are offered when children reach Year 5 & Year 6.


We are not a faith school, but we do conduct assemblies which are fundamentally of a Christian nature. We also celebrate the festivals of other religions in order to foster enjoyment, empathy, understanding and tolerance of all faiths as well as those of no faith. We provide a curriculum which reflects the needs of all in our multi-cultural society whilst respecting the worth of each individual of whatever colour, race, creed or disability.

Every parent has the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education or worship on the grounds of conscience. Such requests should be made to the Head of School in writing.