Silver Birch and Willow Class production

We were treated to an amazing performance from our Silver Birch and Willow classes. Well done on an excellent show!

Sports Day 2024

What a super sports day today! The weather was kind, the pupils were amazing, our friends and family cheered and all had a great time. Thank you to our Sports Coach Mr Noronha for organising such a fabulous day. Thank you also to the PTA, Catmose Primary Friends for organising an ice cream van to end the day with a yummy ice cream. Yellow House won the day overall with 165 points! Well done to everyone.

May Dance 2024

May Day 2024

Beech and Cedar class Christmas production

Beech and Cedar Class Christmas Production

Author visit

We were thrilled to welcome author, poet and hip hop artist Karl Nova to school recently.

School closed today

School closed today